LIA Cast 208 - Making Time for Video Games

It’s creative challenge season, yet we have video games on our minds. Could that be related? Join Jerzy and Rob for a discussion of what we’re playing and what keeps us making time to play!

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LIA Cast 207 - Sustainable Side Hustle

Side projects!!! What kinds of tensions and constraints do we encounter when we have a side project we try to keep moving yet also have primary commitments? Join Jerzy and Rob for an exploration of tools and reflections on making side projects work and some strategies for when it’s tough going.

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LIA Cast 162 - Preparing for 30-Day Challenges (Rebroadcast)

We’re doing our first re-broadcast episode! Once again we stand at the threshold of a season of creative challenges. Originally aired on September 16, 2016, this episode is all about setting expectations and goals with regard to creative challenges like Inktober.

If you enjoyed this one, we encourage you to check out our episode on preparing for Art Soundoff, which is scheduled to happen right after Inktober!

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How might a 30-day creative challenge help you level-up your work? Do you use it as an opportunity to test new tools or techniques? Is it a way to kickstart a habit? How does the communal aspect of a creative challenge affect your commitment to it?

The 4th quarter of the year is the Season of Creative Challenges. Inktober, NaNoWriMo, 24 Hour Comics Day, and more. In this Lean Into Art Cast we explore how we approach these challenges, what value we’ve derived from them, and perhaps most important of all, how we’ve learned to prepare for them.

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LIA Cast 206 - Prepping for Big Projects, with Ryan Estrada

We all have a sense that big or ongoing projects benefit from a certain amount of preparation. But what kinds of preparation? How do you identify what you need to know, and how to do you find resources to help you know these things? How do research techniques, spreadsheeting, and team building figure in creative endeavors, and how do you balance between these somewhat administrative tasks and the creative part? Can these administrative tasks actually inform the creative part?

Jerzy and Rob are joined by Ryan Estrada for a discussion on the prep and research that goes into making big and complex projects.

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LIA Cast 205 - Testing Assumptions and Hypotheses

How do we know that the tools, workflow, design, and materials are the right ones for the project we’re working on? What happens when the limitations of a tool begin to shape the work? What happens when the tools aren’t doing the job we hired them for? Join Jerzy and Rob for an exploration on wayfinding tools to help you evaluate a project when a lot of ambiguities pop up.

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