LIA Cast 106 - Reflection with Intention, with Ashley Knapp

Exploring more of the benefits of reflection & new reflection strategies on the Lean Into Art Cast!

The value of reflecting on one's work and experience has bubbled up repeatedly on the Lean Into Art Cast. Reflecting with intention helps you:

  • Focus on an upcoming task
  • Improve memory retention
  • Clarify your intended goals and perceived outcomes
  • Find valuable insights for career course-correction

We've modeled our own reflection strategies in past episodes:

But what are "reflection strategies?" Is it simply keeping a journal? A private blog? Scraps of notes on index cards? Should this journaling be private, or is there any benefit to be found in sharing it?

This time we're joined by Ashley Knapp, a cartoonist and author who has explored many reflection methods in an effort to reach readers and improve her work. Together we'll unbox how reflecting more intentionally can improve your work and help clarify your message to potential readers.

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