The Random Unlock!

One of the commonly-asked questions we get when people discover our online art center is: "Will you be holding open office hours?" That is to say, a block of time where we (Rob and Jerzy) would make ourselves available to answer any questions or offer any input on your creative projects.

We thought about it a bit, and finally landed on why the heck not?

So in the final weeks leading up to the big 30 Classes in 30 Days event, we're adding a new feature. With every new student registration we're going to unlock 1 Open Office Hours session randomly assigned to Thursdays and Fridays during the month of November, and even December 1st and 2nd!

These sessions will be available to all 30 Classes participants, regardless of Bronze, Silver, or Gold registration status.

Register for 30 Classes in 30 Days to unlock an Open Office Hours session today!