Previews of 30/30 Workshops!
As we enter the final week to sign up for 30 Classes in 30 Days, we're rolling out some video sneak peaks of what you'll experience over the course of this event.
First up, we have a preview of Krishna Sadasivam's Creating Crazy Characters! workshop. This four-part series will cover a variety of aspects you'll need to know in order to transform a simple drawing into a fully-realized character.
Next we have a sample from Kim Holm's Digitally Organic Art workshop, a fascinating look at how to incorporate traditional art into your digital piece in order to create an organic look with pixels.
There are still open seats for the live classes, but you can get discounted rates if you prefer to take your classes in a time-shifted manner–that is to say, download the recorded class at your convenience and participate in the forum assignments.
It's going to be an exciting month of workshops covering a broad spectrum of topics that will help you in your visual storytelling pursuits!