LIA Cast 03 - My Daily Burden

This time we talk about that critical moment in our lives when we discovered that we genuinely loved to learn, which spirals out into some talk on our favorite and least favorite educational experiences.

We than spend some time talking about the value of community art challenges, and ruminate a bit on what kinds of challenges we might launch within the Lean Into Art community.

We close with a little news on what's happening on the Lean Into Art website as we gear up for 30 Classes in 30 Days. Have you signed up yet? It's going to be fun.

Links mentioned in this episode:

- Lawrence Lessig talks
- Atari 400/800
- Gameification
- Carsten Bradley and his Google+ art challenges
- Comics Are Great! Episode 23
- Matt Madden
- The Comics Sestina
- Krishna Sadasivam
- Brandon Dayton
- Jonathan Rector
- Scribbles with Jonathan
- Kate Shields Stenzinger
- Nepotism


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LIA Cast 03 - My Daily Burden